A Personal Message from Pat Scott Vincent

Hello and welcome to my web site

Did you know  the average woman spends around £400 a year on clothes and accessories they subsequently do not use?       

Never waste money again on clothes or cosmetics that don't work, by learning how to shop with confidence and always look your best.  This is what Colourflair is all about; giving you  the knowledge to make the right choices.

Colour is fundamental to our well being and appearance. Using the right colours, close to your face, can do a 'ten years younger', without the pain!   Discover which shades lift shadows and make your complexion bloom. 

Learn how to flatter your shape.  Once you understand the way line and design works in relation to your body, it can be manipulated to disguise or enhance as you choose.

Those of us who work in this rewarding and enjoyable field are accustomed to people discovering  they look so much better than they thought and what is more, can take control for themselves.

The investment in Image knowledge, is easily recovered in one season.  But the increase in confidence when we know we are LOOKING GOOD is priceless  Whether you are considering a career as an Image Consultant,  or just want some help with your wardrobe, you have come to the right place. 

For more information, on Consultations, training  just click the links  above

If you have any questions  please let us know; and we will be delighted to help 


Pat Scott Vincent

Pat Scott Vincent is the founder of Colourflair and has been running her own training courses for Image Consultants since 1984. She has worked for many organizations over the years, from major corporations like Sony and the Body Shop, to our local Enterprise Agency and Varndean School.  Many fashion retailers, from Marks & Spencers to Country Casuals, have also used her services.  Her informal and friendly approach has made her very popular and much sought after as a speaker and trainer

Pat is a founder member - Master (MFIPI) and FELLOW (FFIPI) of the Federation of Image Professionals International and a past President. She holds the prestigious City & Guilds Award in Colour & Image Consultancy, together with diplomas in Life Coaching, Colour Therapy and Feng Shui.




Pat Scott Vincent
Founder of Colourflair


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