Our inherited Personality, is an extremely important aspect of life, how we cope with everyday matters, relationships, work etc. Knowing your good (and your not so good) points and choosing to work with them, rather than against them, makes it possible to improve many aspects of life and to be much happier and more comfortable with yourself. This also helps you understand others, who may behave very differently from you.
When the personality and skin tone do not match, the person has been pushed out of their natural self, due to pressures in life. When this happens, finding and wearing their own colours can be a wonderful release, as they start to relax into their natural self. The only problem is that it may distort your responses to the questionnaire.
Nearly two thousand five hundred years ago, the great Greek Doctor, Hippocrates, established the four basic personality types as Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic and Melancholic and it is interesting that modern research has shown them to be just as valid today.
These he described as 'humours' and he related them to the bodily fluids, as he understood them at that time. It was also thought that these humours related to the colour of the skin.
Naturally this was dismissed by later doctors but since the concept of Personal Colour Analysis was developed in the late 1930s and 40s, people have gradually become aware that there is a correlation between the personality and the underlying skin tone. There is also a relationship to the pattern of the iris in the eye, as this is also genetically influenced.
We have been working with this information since 1984 and find it surprisingly accurate in predicting which group of colours will suit individual personality types. Interestingly, the colours themselves seem to have their own personality. We find that colours, which have a cooler, receding effect, will suit quieter, more introverted people. While those who are more extroverted and outgoing are suited by warm colours, which generally seem to come towards you
Colours are extremely flexible, being developed from the three primary colours, red, blue, yellow plus black and white; so there are many colours which cross from "Season" to "Season" and it can be helpful to learn how to take advantage of this.
From our research, we know that at least 80% of the time, the skin tone, personality and colours will harmonise. Just filling in the questionnaire is of course, not as reliable , but we have found since offering this service, that many people have been amazed at how accurately it describes their temperament. We also know that the pattern in the iris of the eye will also predict these findings but we cannot examine the eye by e-mail - yet!
Simply work through the Personality Questionnaire below and make a note of your totals in each score., to receive an analysis of the personality in which you have scored most highly, PLUS information on your own most probable key colours.
Please complete the following questionnaire by counting the number of times you agree with a statement in each set.
You will generally find that you can answer yes or no to the following questions, however, if you feel that the statement applies some but not all of the time, score half, unless the question contains the word VERY, in which case only use yes or no.
Don't forget to total each set as a separate score
Don't forget to total each set as a separate score
Don't forget to total each set as a separate score
Don't forget to total each set as a separate score
Total your "yes" and "half" answers for each set then click here to discover your Personal Colourways
Colourflair , 188 Warren Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 6DD. United Kingdom
Telephone & Fax 01273
605540 - International +44 1273 605540
e-mail info@colourflair.com
Registered Service Mark No 1323781